Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Survival"
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194152	31321	もう助からないものと観念した。	\N	I gave up all hope of survival.	CK
0	1637347	0	0	Adaptation is the key to survival.	dimitris
142839	271730	生きようという本能は誰にも生まれつきそなわっている。	\N	The instinct for survival is innate.	onkobo
185243	22376	会社は生き残りを賭けて奮闘している。	\N	The company is struggling for survival.	CK
0	874559	0	0	Catching cancer early increases survival odds.	darinmex
0	954230	0	0	Our survival depends on finding drinking water soon.	CK
0	995449	0	0	Food, clothing and shelter are the foundations of survival.	NickC
0	610844	0	0	What is at issue in this debate is the survival of our planet.	darinmex
0	1858737	0	0	"How was the survival camp?" "I hated it. I only lasted two days."	CK
218637	55950	これはいわゆる適者生存の例である。	\N	This is an example of the survival of the fittest, as it is called.	CM
435412	435414	危険を避けて安全に生きるのが生存本能でしょうか。	blay_paul	I wonder if keeping your head down and living safely is a survival instinct?	blay_paul