Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Technical"
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0	886936	0	0	She advises him on technical matters.	CK	1
1172745	476173	彼の専門知識の欠落が彼の昇進を阻んだ。	bunbuku	His lack of technical knowledge kept him from being promoted.	CK	1
116651	476173	彼の専門的知識の欠陥が昇進を妨げた。	\N	His lack of technical knowledge kept him from being promoted.	CK	1
89483	314229	彼女は私に専門的な事について忠告する。	\N	She advises me on technical matters.	CK
0	1574702	0	0	There are some technical difficulties.	Guybrush88
75926	327792	専門ガッコのタメだよ。	Japanese	They're buddies from my technical school.	CK
0	682142	0	0	You need technical knowledge to understand how this system works.	Source_VOA
141407	273164	専門用語で書いてあるため、この本は実に読みにくい。	\N	Written in technical terms, this book is very difficult to understand.	CM
0	682143	0	0	The programmer is fixing a technical problem with the computer server.	Source_VOA
0	1693362	0	0	Refer to the serial number whenever you call for technical assistance.	alexmarcelo
0	688555	0	0	Can you tell us about your experience in developing technical materials?	pandark
0	1693269	0	0	If you have questions about this product, call our technical support line.	alexmarcelo
187636	24774	何らかの技術的問題により、予告された番組の代わりに映画が放映された。	\N	Because of some technical problem, a movie was shown in place of the announced program.	CM
76294	327426	科学者の通弊は、あらゆる問題に技術的解決策があると誤認すること。	Japanese	A fault common to scientists is mistakenly believing that every problem has a technical solution.	CK
234393	71768	あそこの会社から技術情報をもらうには、まず機密保持契約を結ばなければいけない。	\N	To get technical information from that company, we first have to sign a non-disclosure agreement.	CM
143534	271033	数人から、その日の後半にあたるテクニカルセッションの中にも出席したいセッションがあるという意見が出ました。	\N	A few people mentioned they would like to attend some sessions later in the day on the Technical Session Agenda.	CM
147520	267040	初期のジェット旅客機の墜落事故は機体とエンジンの金属疲労のような技術的欠陥が原因で起こることが多かった。	\N	Crashes in the early days of commercial jets tended to be caused by technical faults, such as metal fatigue in the airframe or engines.	CM