0 1488730 0 0 There was a lot of tension between Tom and Mary. Spamster 1 0 806900 0 0 Tensions were increasing. Source_VOA 77650 326068 冷戦の緊張が高まった。 mookeee Cold-war tension has mounted. CM 0 2958381 0 0 Tom tried to ease the tension. CK 0 807065 0 0 Racial tensions remained high. Source_VOA 116903 286764 彼の冗談で室内の緊張がほぐれた。 \N His joke eased the tension in the room. CM 179929 18788 緊張が心臓病の主な原因だ。 \N Tension is a major cause of heart disease. Zifre 0 804216 0 0 In 1959, Cold War tensions eased a little. Source_VOA 0 2958110 0 0 Tom sensed a tension between John and Mary. CK 0 802747 0 0 They worried about increased political tension in Asia. Source_VOA 206222 43468 その両国間に緊張が高まりつつあるきざしがある。 \N There are signs of growing tensions between the two countries. mamat 202756 39991 ちょっと手を休めて気持ちを和らげれば、肩のストレスや緊張感がとれるよ。 \N If you stop and relax, this will relieve the tension and stress in your shoulders. CM 0 3020394 0 0 Tom made the comment so offhandedly that at first it seemed unimportant, but then I saw the tension in his face and his body language and it quickly became clear that it really meant the world to him. Delian