107251 296435 彼は国中をくまなく旅行した。 bunbuku He traveled throughout the country. CK 1 0 3071648 0 0 It rained throughout the night. sharptoothed 0 3071680 0 0 I've looked throughout the house. sharptoothed 186738 23874 火は家中に広がった。 \N The fire spread throughout the house. CK 0 427708 0 0 He became famous throughout the world. witbrock 0 807365 0 0 People throughout the north were angry. Source_VOA 212306 49588 その噂は国中に広まった。 \N The rumor spread throughout the country. CM 212315 49588 その嘘は国中に広まった。 \N The rumor spread throughout the country. CM 0 803199 0 0 He was well known throughout the country. Source_VOA 109307 294383 彼は夏中ずっと長野にいた。 \N He stayed in Nagano throughout the summer. CK 0 3071490 0 0 This hotel is famous throughout the world. sharptoothed 0 1152187 0 0 His name is known throughout this country. belgavox 866738 862990 彼は生涯に渡って貧しい人々を助けた。 thyc244 He has helped the poor throughout his life. papabear 207954 45211 その知らせは村中に不安をまき起こした。 \N The news caused alarm throughout the village. CM 0 688033 0 0 I had perfect attendence throughout the year. ulyssemc1 0 1728547 0 0 Are they now available throughout Switzerland? belgavox 0 2267883 0 0 That program will be broadcast throughout America. _undertoad 103412 300281 彼は世界中のほとんどすべての人に知られている。 \N He is known to almost everybody throughout the world. CM 109084 294606 彼は会議で一言もしゃべらなかった。 \N He stayed absolutely silent throughout the conference. Zifre 98713 304987 彼らが結婚したという知らせは村中に広がった。 \N The news of their marriage spread throughout the village. CM 0 804369 0 0 Throughout Europe, people withdrew their money from banks. Source_VOA 122689 281313 日本の11月は全国的によい天気です。 \N There is usually good weather in November throughout Japan. CM 141326 273245 戦後日本では民主主義の理念が普及した。 \N After the war, the idea of democracy spread throughout Japan. CM 0 1068351 0 0 News of her death caused great concern throughout the country. tomalrussell 0 2731518 0 0 Newspaper stands are scattered here and there throughout the city. sharptoothed 119581 1317009 彼が日本のみならず、世界においても有名な物理学者である。 bunbuku He's a famous physicist not only in Japan, but throughout the world. CK 148381 266178 首脳会談は世界中で同時に放送される予定だ。 \N The summit talks are to be broadcast simultaneously throughout the world. CM 83489 320227 米国全土では毎年膨大な数の若者が大学にはいる。 \N Throughout the United State large numbers of young people enter college every year. CM 235114 72492 5年に及ぶつらかったガンの治療期間中、彼は何とか弱音をはかず毅然とした態度を崩さなかった。 \N Throughout the five years of painful cancer treatments, he managed to keep a stiff upper lip. CK