Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Thus"
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0	1137854	0	0	Does anyone have any questions thus far?	jdonnarumma
74343	329377	よって流通するマネーが減り、物価上昇は鎮静化する。	fcbond	Thus money in circulation drops, and price escalation quietens down.	fcbond
75304	328415	インターネットは情報量が多いので、使えない情報も沢山あります。	fcbond	The Internet has a lot of information and thus also a lot of useless information.	fcbond
75908	327810	多くの女性がより高い教養とキャリアを追求し、それ故に結婚と出産を先延ばしにしている。	mookeee	Many women pursue higher education and careers, thus delaying marriage and childbirth.	CK
0	2951442	0	0	Latvia has kicked off the new year by becoming a member of the Eurozone, and will thus be the eighteenth member of the zone.	patgfisher