Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Tiny"
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0	2663335	0	0	There's just one tiny problem.	CK	1
0	3293497	0	0	Tom took a tiny bite out of Mary's donut.	CK	1
89489	314223	彼女は私に小さいおもちゃを買ってくれた。	\N	She got me a tiny toy.	CK
175391	239073	建物がとっても小さく見えるよ。	\N	The buildings look so tiny.	CM
191256	28416	暗闇の中で小さな物が動いた。	\N	A tiny object moved in the dark.	Eldad
142175	272395	赤ん坊は小さな手を差し出した。	\N	The baby held out his tiny hand.	CK
106690	296996	彼は山の中のちっぽけな町からやってきた。	\N	He came from a tiny mountain town.	CK
228167	65521	うちの庭は猫の額ほどの狭さなんですよ。	\N	We have just a tiny bit of garden.	CM
0	3168094	0	0	We made just one tiny little mistake.	CK
0	2958334	0	0	Tom took a tiny bite of Mary's donut.	CK
177082	15930	君は相撲取りの隣にくるとちっぽけにみえる。	\N	You look tiny next to a sumo wrestler.	Zifre
0	1384309	0	0	This insect is tiny, but very dangerous.	CM
0	2864133	0	0	Fifty families live in this tiny village.	Dejo
0	1078162	0	0	The human body is only made up of tiny cells.	keira_n
0	862973	0	0	Our world is only a tiny part of the universe.	papabear
0	749590	0	0	There's a tiny amount of milk left in the bottle.	Serhiy
0	1635451	0	0	The last time you saw her, she was just a tiny baby.	Amastan
205474	42719	それは、たいていの人は耳にしたこともない小さな国です。	\N	It's a tiny country that most people have never heard of.	CK
0	707303	0	0	That was the tiniest cockroach I've ever seen in my life.	papabear
0	2242706	0	0	Nothing happened except that I obtained a tiny bit of information.	AlanF_US
114739	288932	彼はあんな小さい字が読めるのだから近視どころではない。	\N	Since he can read such tiny print, he is far from being near-sighted.	CK
225628	62964	クモはお腹にある小さな穴からきぬのような物質を出すことが出来る。	\N	A spider can produce a silky substance from tiny openings on its underside.	CM
0	2435490	0	0	The United States cannot win a war against a big and strong country. It can only annihilate a weak and relatively small country like Serbia or Iraq. It can also win a war in less than 24 hours against a tiny island like Grenada.	Amastan