Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Title"
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0	2713063	0	0	What's the title of that book?	CK	1
0	3071760	0	0	I don't remember the title of that movie.	sharptoothed	1
160267	1409157	私はその歌のタイトルをどうしても思い出せなかった。	bunbuku	I couldn't remember the title of that song.	CK	1
160267	1409156	私はその歌のタイトルをどうしても思い出せなかった。	bunbuku	I wasn't able to remember the title of that song.	CK	1
206701	43949	その本のタイトルは何ですか。	\N	What is the title of the book?	Nero
0	2988677	0	0	What's the title of the movie?	Guybrush88
0	3071808	0	0	Do you have title to that property?	sharptoothed
160267	254254	私はその歌のタイトルをどうしても思い出せなかった。	bunbuku	I failed to recall the song's title.	CM
0	685839	0	0	The title of the book should be italicized.	Zifre
0	1898013	0	0	What's the title of the book you're reading?	CK
196409	33588	ボクサーはタイトルマッチに備えて減量しなければならなかった。	\N	The boxer had to lose weight for the title match.	CM
0	2820749	0	0	The title to the house passed from father to son.	sharptoothed
0	3071368	0	0	Who do you think will win the tennis title this year?	sharptoothed
0	1400510	0	0	The film was inspired by the novel of the same title.	kadena
0	2264631	0	0	After winning all the matches, he got the title of champion.	_undertoad
0	434130	0	0	"Blood and Sand" is the title of a novel by Blasco Ináñez.	lukaszpp
117475	286189	彼の公式の肩書きは環境庁長官です。	mookeee	His official title is Director-General of the Environment Agency.	bluepie88
160267	1409159	私はその歌のタイトルをどうしても思い出せなかった。	bunbuku	No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't remember that song's title.	CK