Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Top"
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0	3164453	0	0	This is top secret.	CK	1
0	3096386	0	0	Tom came out on top.	CK	1
1543549	1543550	てっぺんまで上がった。	JimBreen	We climbed to the top.	JimBreen	1
0	681847	0	0	I can reach the top shelf.	Source_VOA	1
0	2885429	0	0	Let's take it from the top.	CK	1
137153	276083	棚の一番上に手が届きますか。	\N	Can you reach the top shelf?	CK	1
0	2884669	0	0	It'll take three hours, tops.	CK	1
0	1872495	0	0	Tom danced on top of the bar.	CK	1
0	1025081	0	0	Tom is at the top of his class.	CK	1
219674	56958	この本は一番上の棚です。	mookeee	This book goes on the top shelf.	CK	1
219638	56958	この本は戸棚の上です。	mookeee	This book goes on the top shelf.	CK	1
112999	290676	彼はその丘の頂上に住んでいます。	bunbuku	He lives at the top of the hill.	CK	1
153052	261492	私は富士山の頂上に登った。	mookeee	I climbed to the top of Mt. Fuji.	CK	1
0	682197	0	0	Tom filled the bucket to the top.	Source_VOA	1
0	906950	0	0	What's your favorite ZZ Top song?	CK	1
0	3185285	0	0	I've got to stay on top of things.	CK	1
0	2892038	0	0	That's not exactly a top priority.	CK	1
0	682097	0	0	Tom struggled to climb to the top.	Source_VOA	1
151292	263264	私達は富士山の頂上まで登った。	bunbuku	We climbed to the top of Mt. Fuji.	CK	1
0	954479	0	0	We only sell top quality products.	CK	1
103169	300524	彼は声の限りに叫んだ。	bunbuku	He shouted at the top of his voice.	CK	1
0	906843	0	0	What's your favorite pizza topping?	CK	1
1091933	1024201	トムは声を限りに叫んだ。	mookeee	Tom screamed at the top of his lungs.	CK	1
1091932	1024201	トムは声の限りに叫んだ。	mookeee	Tom screamed at the top of his lungs.	CK	1
207221	44472	その箱の上に、何も置かないで下さい。	bunbuku	Don't put anything on top of the box.	CK	1
0	2712780	0	0	I'm too short to reach the top shelf.	CK	1
2987882	2951579	棚のいちばん上にあるものに手が届きますか?	Fukuko	Can you reach what's on the top shelf?	CK	1
2168152	1954723	棚の一番上にあるものに手が届かないよ。	bunbuku	I can't reach things on the top shelf.	CK	1
0	3287244	0	0	There's something up on the top shelf.	CK	1
1185758	33850	ヘレンはいつもクラスで一番の成績だ。	bunbuku	Helen is always at the top of her class.	CK	1
196672	33850	ヘレンはいつもクラスでは首席だ。	bunbuku	Helen is always at the top of her class.	CK	1
0	1093902	0	0	Tom graduated near the top of his class.	CK	1
0	682198	0	0	Tom put his wallet on top of the dresser.	Source_VOA	1
0	1024100	0	0	Tom tied the canoe to the top of his car.	CK	1
0	1023934	0	0	Tom was too short to reach the top shelf.	CK	1
0	1954722	0	0	Tom can't reach the book on the top shelf.	CK	1
0	1095262	0	0	Tom cleaned the top of the table with a wet rag.	CK	1
2045734	1867971	トムは棚の一番上にある辞書に手を伸ばした。	bunbuku	Tom reached for the dictionary on the top shelf.	CK	1
182756	395660	丘の上から彼の家が見えた。	bunbuku	His house could be seen from the top of the hill.	CK	1
0	1040560	0	0	Tom shoved his sunglasses to the top of his head.	CK	1
2110815	906971	去年の上位100曲の中で、一番好きなのは何ですか?	bunbuku	What's your favorite song in last year's top 100?	CK	1
0	2406793	0	0	I stood on a chair so I could reach the top shelf.	CK	1
0	1025628	0	0	Tom graduated in the top ten percent of his class.	CK	1
0	1024132	0	0	Tom stood on a chair so he could reach the top shelf.	CK	1
228527	65885	いままで誰もその山頂に到達できていない。	bunbuku	No one has been able to reach the top of the mountain.	CK	1
172614	65885	今までだれもその山の頂上に到達できていない。	bunbuku	No one has been able to reach the top of the mountain.	CK	1
0	1103321	0	0	Tom hid the gun in the cookie jar on top of the refrigerator.	CK	1
0	1399783	0	0	Tom blew his top when he heard that Mary had gone out with John.	CK	1
0	1028028	0	0	Tom shouted at the top of his lungs so Mary could hear him over the sound of the waterfall.	CK	1
0	1989670	0	0	It's top secret.	Spamster