779007 2096 彼は跡形もなく消えたんだ。 marloncori He disappeared without a trace. CK 1 5282 2096 彼は跡形もなく姿を消してしまったんだ。 bunbuku He disappeared without a trace. CK 1 0 1026233 0 0 Tom disappeared without a trace. CK 1 866725 744529 私は自分の祖先を200年遡ることができる。 thyc244 I can trace my ancestors back 200 years. darinmex 1 0 1026232 0 0 Tom disappeared without leaving a trace. CK 1 0 1024234 0 0 Tom says he can trace his ancestors back about 300 years. CK 1 0 1027310 0 0 The police looked everywhere and could find no trace of Tom. CK 1 0 1027309 0 0 The police looked everywhere and couldn't find any trace of Tom. CK 1 0 1522022 0 0 There was no trace of him. Spamster 0 757377 0 0 He's disappeared without a trace. sctld 176102 238363 警察は彼女をパリまで追跡した。 \N The police have traced her to Paris. CK 151923 262630 私達の不和は子供時代にまでさかのぼる。 \N Our feud traces back to our childhood. CK 208721 45980 その衰退はざっと1950年代までさかのぼる事が出来る。 \N The decline can be traced to the 1950s. CM 173327 241143 行方不明の子供の足跡はありますか。 \N Is there any trace of the missing child? Nero 94201 309504 彼女の声は少し怒りのひびきがあった。 \N There was a trace of anger in her voice. CM 153258 261288 私は彼女の声に熱意があることに気づいた。 \N I noted a trace of eagerness in her voice. CM 125357 278636 泥棒は何の跡も残さずに逃げた。 \N The thief fled without leaving any traces. CK 176182 238283 警察は殺人者の手がかりを何か見つけ出しましたか。 \N Did the police find any trace of the murderer? CM 176093 238372 警察は容疑者の足取りがまだつかめていない。 \N The police have found no trace of the suspect yet. CK 79879 323839 戻ってみると私のバッグは影も形もなかった。 \N When I got back, my bag had disappeared without a trace. CM 0 2267274 0 0 In South America, there are many traces of Indian culture. _undertoad 0 526846 0 0 The police dog found trace amounts of cocaine in his luggage. darinmex 180478 19204 強盗は遺留品の一つから突きとめられた。 \N The burglar was traced by one of the things he had left on the scene. NekoKanjya 180479 19204 強盗は遺留品の一つから足がついた。 \N The burglar was traced by one of the things he had left on the scene. NekoKanjya 234327 71703 アテネへ向かう一隻の貨物船が何の痕跡も残さずに地中海で沈没した。 \N A cargo vessel, bound for Athens, sank in the Mediterranean without a trace. CK