Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Transport"
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147113	267448	商品は船で輸送された。	\N	The goods were transported by ship.	CM
172783	241691	今では多くの貨物が飛行機で輸送されている。	\N	Many goods are now transported by air.	CM
1680726	1611205	彼は地元の病院に運ばれました。	marcelostockle	He was transported to a local hospital.	Spamster
0	755165	0	0	The injured were transported by ambulance.	sctld
0	807639	0	0	Trucks made it easy for goods to be transported.	Source_VOA
198234	35426	バスが空港から市内まで私達を運んだ。	\N	A bus transported us from the airport to the city.	CM
142309	645081	石油を運ぶ船をオイル・タンカーという。	\N	A ship that transports oil is called an oil tanker.	CK
0	682223	0	0	Many goods are transported across the globe by ship.	Source_VOA
143129	271439	政府はその島にヘリコプターで物資を輸送した。	\N	The government transported goods to the island by helicopter.	CK
390718	390719	陸路を運ぶのは大変ですが、海路で運ぶのは簡単です。	blay_paul	It's very difficult to transport them overland, but simple to do so by sea.	blay_paul
0	682222	0	0	They hired a moving company to transport their belongings to their new home.	Source_VOA
220527	57850	この町の交通機関の問題はロンドンやニューヨークなどの海外の大都市の問題と比べれば、大した事はない。	\N	Our city's transport problems are minor when measured against capitals like London and New York.	CM