Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Tune"
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0	2044423	0	0	It's a happy tune.	CK	1
97599	306105	彼らはよく調子を合わせて歌った。	\N	They sang in tune.	CK	1
0	1951385	0	0	I can't carry a tune.	CK	1
0	2646847	0	0	Tom tuned his guitar.	CK	1
87861	315846	彼女は調子外れに歌う。	bunbuku	She sings out of tune.	CK	1
223869	61205	このギターは音色があっている。	\N	The guitar is in tune.	CK	1
187808	433608	何という曲なの。	\N	What's the name of this tune?	CK	1
0	1093139	0	0	Tom played a few tunes on the piano.	CK	1
161581	252935	私はあの歌のメロディーが思い出せない。	bunbuku	I can't remember the tune of that song.	CM	1
2624246	2624675	トムの家のピアノは調律が狂っている。	tommy_san	The piano in Tom's house is out of tune.	CK	1
0	1872484	0	0	Tom heard someone humming his favorite tune.	CK	1
0	1023905	0	0	Tom went to school to learn how to tune pianos.	CK	1
0	2044974	0	0	Tom walked down the path, whistling a happy tune.	CK	1
0	1023902	0	0	Tom whistled a tune as he walked along the river.	CK	1
0	1096271	0	0	All Tom wanted was for Mary to play a couple of tunes on her ukulele.	CK	1
0	1024345	0	0	Tom played a Spanish folk tune on his English horn at a Chinese restaurant in France.	CK	1
0	815666	0	0	Play us a tune.	FeuDRenais
102078	301616	彼は調子が外れている。	\N	He is out of tune.	CM
0	2890448	0	0	That's a pretty tune.	sharptoothed
0	737490	0	0	He was whistling a tune.	Guybrush88
0	3023576	0	0	Tom is tuning his guitar.	CK
0	2784320	0	0	The orchestra's tuning up.	sharptoothed
110644	293042	彼はメロディーを口笛で吹き始めた。	marcelostockle	He began to whistle a tune.	CK
148228	266331	修理が必要だ。	\N	I think it needs a tune-up.	CK
0	3288267	0	0	I didn't recognize the tune.	CK
0	664923	0	0	I didn't recognise the tune.	bluepie88
0	3071472	0	0	Tom always sings out of tune.	sharptoothed
0	2476394	0	0	Tom always sings out of tune.	FeuDRenais
91686	312023	彼女はピアノで一曲弾いた。	\N	She played a tune on the piano.	CK
91689	312023	彼女はピアノで1曲弾いた。	\N	She played a tune on the piano.	CK
191843	29004	わたしはその曲をしらなかった。	\N	The tune was not familiar to me.	CK
0	2641612	0	0	Tom started whistling a happy tune.	CK
222312	59639	この曲を前に聞いたのは覚えている。	\N	I remember hearing this tune before.	CK
92882	310827	彼女はこの曲をピアノでひくことができる。	\N	She can play this tune on the piano.	CK
85792	18556	費用を受け持つ者に決定権がある。	\N	He who pays the piper calls the tune.	Zifre
125292	18556	笛吹きに金を払う者が曲を注文する。	\N	He who pays the piper calls the tune.	Zifre
179697	18556	金を出す者に決定権がある。	\N	He who pays the piper calls the tune.	Zifre
85567	471496	美しい曲だね。とジョンが言いました。	\N	John said, "That's a beautiful tune."	CM
227901	65254	エリックはピアノで甘い曲を弾いた。	\N	Eric played a sweet tune on the piano.	CM
222313	59641	この曲は我々の誰にも良く知られている。	\N	This tune is quite familiar to us all.	CM
0	2983312	0	0	He who pays the piper, calls the tune.	carlosalberto
92941	310768	彼女はグランドピアノでその曲を引いた。	\N	She played that tune on her grand piano.	CK
0	3071504	0	0	They have been tuning the organ all day.	sharptoothed
127165	276924	男性がギターを演奏している。	\N	A man is picking out a tune on the guitar.	CK
3255333	3255856	簡単な曲なら初見で歌えます。	tommy_san	If it's a simple tune, I can sight-sing it.	CK
0	2958447	0	0	Tom walked down the path, whistling a tune.	CK
195464	32637	まだ音楽が続きます、このままお聞き下さい。	\N	We have more music coming up, so stay tuned.	CK
0	3071740	0	0	I know the tune, but I don't know the words.	sharptoothed
0	3071564	0	0	That's a pretty tune the orchestra is playing.	sharptoothed
0	2958397	0	0	Tom tuned on the desk lamp and started working.	CK