Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Ultimately"
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220873	58195	この責任は結局だれにあるのか。	\N	Who is ultimately responsible for this?	CK
0	533395	0	0	Ultimately, he ended up going to school.	FeuDRenais
202649	39883	ついに反逆者は捕らえられ、拘置所に入れられた。	\N	The rebel was ultimately captured and confined to jail.	CM
182373	19550	究極的には宇宙飛行は全人類に有益なものとなろう。	\N	Ultimately, space flight will be beneficial to all mankind.	NekoKanjya
0	713036	0	0	The argument is rigorous and coherent but ultimately unconvincing.	darinmex