Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Unemployment"
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0	1093399	0	0	Tom isn't currently collecting unemployment benefits.	CK	1
0	1522253	0	0	Unemployment is high.	Spamster
0	1425369	0	0	Unemployment is rising.	Spamster
0	806932	0	0	Unemployment rose sharply.	Source_VOA
149607	264951	失業率は5%にまで上昇した。	\N	The unemployment rate went up to 5%.	Hautis
173253	241218	高い失業率の責任は誰にあるのか。	mookeee	Who is responsible for high unemployment?	CK
0	807445	0	0	High unemployment and inflation continued.	Source_VOA
174904	239563	現在の失業率はどのくらいですか。	\N	What is the unemployment rate at the moment?	CM
171317	243159	今年は失業者数が記録的になるだろう。	\N	This year unemployment will reach record levels.	CK
221490	58815	この失業者の増加は不景気の当然な結果である。	\N	This increase in unemployment is a consequence of the recession.	CK
220608	57930	この地域の失業はほぼないに等しい。	\N	Unemployment in this part of the country is virtually nonexistent.	CM
0	681065	0	0	There's a general sense that something should be done about unemployment.	Source_VOA