Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Union"
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140615	273958	組合は10パーセントの賃上げを迫っている。	bunbuku	The union is pressing for a ten-percent pay hike.	CM	1
77649	326069	冷戦はソビエトの崩壊と共に終わった。	mookeee	The Cold War ended when the Soviet Union collapsed.	CK	1
77350	326369	労働組合はストを宣言した。	\N	The labor union called a strike.	CM
0	805371	0	0	The Union army shelled the city.	Source_VOA
140614	273959	組合は5%の賃上げを獲得した。	\N	The union won a 5% wage increase.	CM
96015	307690	彼らは労働組合を組織するだろう。	\N	They will organize a labor union.	CK
0	802364	0	0	They did not join unions or strike.	Source_VOA
0	805344	0	0	The Union soldiers fought fiercely.	Source_VOA
0	802402	0	0	They saw little need for labor unions.	Source_VOA
0	2264164	0	0	Are you an active member of the union?	sharptoothed
140612	273961	組合は経営者側と賃金交渉をした。	\N	The union bargained with the management.	CK
175745	238720	結婚は男女の結びつきである。	\N	Marriage is the union of a man and woman.	CM
208384	45642	その組合の賃上げ要求は穏当だった。	\N	The union was modest in its wage demands.	CM
0	1802676	0	0	Albania wants to join the European Union.	Amastan
96657	307048	彼らは組合の指導者たちと折り合った。	\N	They came to terms with the union leaders.	CK
0	803202	0	0	A year later, he visited the Soviet Union.	Source_VOA
0	804393	0	0	Many Union soldiers were killed or wounded.	Source_VOA
0	802575	0	0	Union soldiers watched as they marched away.	Source_VOA
0	1894272	0	0	The Soviet Union launched Sputnik I in 1957.	Spamster
0	418595	0	0	Lithuania is a member of the European Union.	CK
0	804110	0	0	The Soviet Union and its allies refused help.	Source_VOA
115275	288396	彼は1950年代にソビエト連邦へ逃亡した。	\N	He defected to the Soviet Union in the 1950's.	CK
140613	273960	組合はデモに参加しましたか。	\N	Did the union participate in the demonstration?	CM
113104	290571	彼はその委員会で労働組合の代表をつとめた。	\N	He represented the labor union on the committee.	CM
0	807653	0	0	More than half of the Union troops were captured.	Source_VOA
0	1797660	0	0	Declawing cats is forbidden in the European Union.	Spamster
0	804290	0	0	The Union army's supply lines were on the north side.	Source_VOA
77352	326367	労働組合の幹部は賃上げの凍結に反対して、闘っています。	\N	The union bosses are fighting the freeze on wage hikes.	CM
0	804155	0	0	A Union army doctor watched the battle from a distance.	Source_VOA
198756	35951	ニュースはソ連崩壊のものばかりだった。	\N	The news was all about the collapse of the Soviet Union.	CK
0	873751	0	0	Common-law relationships are not legal unions in France.	alexmarcelo
234784	72161	USSRはソビエト社会主義共和国連邦を表しています。	mookeee	U.S.S.R. stands for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.	CM
0	452793	0	0	U.S.S.R. stands for the "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics".	FeuDRenais
140618	273955	組合と会社は新しい契約で合意した。	\N	The union and the company have come to terms on a new contract.	CK
235938	73319	15分までにユニオン駅にいてもらえるかしら。	mookeee	Do you think you can get me to Union Station by a quarter after?	CM
0	804166	0	0	In the first few hours of the battle, Union forces were winning.	Source_VOA
0	804123	0	0	Relations between the Soviet Union and the western Allies were mixed.	Source_VOA
227774	65127	オーナーたちは組合のシンパを一人残らず解雇するために首切り役を投入した。	\N	The owners brought in a hatchet man to fire all the union sympathizers.	CM
0	2268624	0	0	The union has asked for the mediation of the government in the dispute.	_undertoad
77347	326372	労働側と経営側の意見不一致はストライキに行きつくかもしれない。	\N	The disagreement between the union and management could lead to a strike.	CK
0	516337	0	0	Cesar Chavez organized the first successful farm workers union in American history.	CK
0	2974511	0	0	Union representatives remained tight-lipped about their negotiations with management.	patgfisher