0 1517915 0 0 Tom is an unknown artist. Spamster 1 760425 757941 火災の原因は不明です。 arihato The cause of the fire was unknown. NekoKanjya 1 236932 263708 事故の原因は不明だ。 mookeee The cause of the accident is unknown. CK 1 78903 324813 容疑者の行方はまだ分からない。 mookeee The whereabouts of the suspect is still unknown. CM 1 0 1636645 0 0 Her name was unknown. GeeZ 164697 249810 私にはその意味がわからない。 \N The meaning is unknown to me. CK 0 2733373 0 0 This is neither new nor unknown. Dejo 186720 23856 火元は明らかでない。 \N The origin of the fire is unknown. Archibald 0 1126687 0 0 The source of the fire is unknown. nadsat 95739 307966 彼女が、自殺した理由は知られていない。 \N The reason she killed herself is unknown. CM 0 805266 0 0 Smallpox was unknown to Native Americans. Source_VOA 174920 239547 現在その病気の原因は不明である。 bunbuku At present, the cause of the disease is unknown. CK 0 2274 0 0 A known mistake is better than an unknown truth. Zifre 943488 847235 生前に無名であった多くの偉大な思想家は、死後に名声を得た。 thyc244 Many great thinkers who were unknown while alive became famous after death. Source_Benedict_1921 0 1647967 0 0 Lonesome George, the last remaining tortoise of his kind, died of unknown causes. Spamster 205991 43238 ソフイーは未知の差し出し人からまた手紙が来るのを心待ちにしていた。 \N Sophie had been looking forward to getting another letter from the unknown sender. CK 138139 275096 太陽に浮かぶほとんどの島は地図に示されているが、海底は一般には知られていない。 marcelostockle Although most islands in the ocean have been mapped, the ocean floor is generally unknown. CK