0 2245593 0 0 I abhor violence. CK 1 165134 1173627 私たちは暴力が嫌いだ。 bunbuku We hate violence. CK 1 152818 1173627 私たちは暴力を憎む。 bunbuku We hate violence. CK 1 165134 1176018 私たちは暴力が嫌いだ。 bunbuku We dislike violence. CK 1 165134 1176016 私たちは暴力が嫌いだ。 bunbuku We don't like violence. CK 1 82500 321217 暴力に訴えてはいけない。 \N Don't resort to violence. CK 1 1642050 1641972 暴力を要する状況ではない。 mookeee There's no need for violence. Spamster 1 0 2279388 0 0 Tom didn't want any violence. CK 1 116131 287537 彼の暴力にもうがまんできない。 mookeee I can't put up with his violence any longer. CK 1 116132 287537 彼の暴力にはもう我慢できない。 \N I can't put up with his violence any longer. CK 1 98666 305034 彼らが目的達成のために暴力に訴えなければいいのですが。 mookeee I hope they don't resort to violence to accomplish their goals. CK 1 0 1024885 0 0 Tom is ready to resort to violence in order to get what he wants. CK 1 152818 249371 私たちは暴力を憎む。 bunbuku We abhor violence. CM 165134 249371 私たちは暴力が嫌いだ。 bunbuku We abhor violence. CM 0 869680 0 0 He's inclined to violence. Sonix 0 802974 0 0 He warned against violence. Source_VOA 82497 321219 暴力は排除しなければならない。 \N We must do away with violence. CK 0 3093910 0 0 Violence will not be tolerated. Hybrid 0 807110 0 0 The violence lasted three days. Source_VOA 1088152 1088151 校内暴力は大問題である。 Scott School violence is a big problem. Scott 185531 22663 我々は暴力に訴えるべきでない。 \N We should not resort to violence. CK 141937 69472 絶対に暴力に訴えてはいけません。 \N You must never resort to violence. CK 175927 69472 決して暴力に訴えてはいけない。 \N You must never resort to violence. CK 232105 69472 あなたは決して暴力に訴えてはならない。 \N You must never resort to violence. CK 0 807203 0 0 Violence increased soon afterward. Source_VOA 0 807201 0 0 The violence lasted for two weeks. Source_VOA 0 807242 0 0 The situation resulted in violence. Source_VOA 176894 7656 君は暴力行使を正当化することができますか。 \N Can you justify the use of violence? Swift 82498 321218 暴力は社会のガンだ。 \N Violence is the cancer of our society. CM 0 807350 0 0 Fifty-five people died in the violence. Source_VOA 210101 47364 その市にはほとんど暴力事件はない。 \N There is almost no violence in that city. CM 1176765 1177105 彼らは血と暴力に魅せられている。 mookeee They are fascinated by blood and violence. CK 0 807598 0 0 The arrival of the troops led to more violence. Source_VOA 74911 328807 場合によっては腕力に訴えてもよい。 fcbond It is sometimes acceptable to resort to violence. fcbond 707532 682330 多くの親は、テレビには暴力が多すぎると信じている。 szaby78 Many parents believe that there is too much violence on TV. Source_VOA 165136 249370 私たちは暴力に頼るのではなく、理性に訴えるべきだ。 \N We should appeal to reason instead of resorting to violence. CM 111459 292224 彼はどんなに怒っても、決して暴力に訴えようとしなかった。 \N No matter how angry he was, he would never resort to violence. CM 145745 268817 食糧不足のため市の至る所で暴力沙汰が突発した。 \N Violence erupted all over the city because of the food shortages. CK 141074 273498 船乗りのすべての技術は激しい嵐の中に屈した。 \N All the skill of the sailors gave way to the violence of the storm. CK 0 682329 0 0 People were told to stay indoors because of the violence in the streets. Source_VOA 115630 288040 彼は、どこへ出かけていっても、愛、忍耐、そしてとりわけ非暴力を説いた。 \N Everywhere he went, he taught love, patience, and most of all, non-violence. CK 115540 288130 彼は、黒人たちが暴力に頼らずとも平等な権利を勝ち取れると信じていた。 Ianagisacos He believed that blacks could win their fight for equal rights without violence. CM 123351 280648 突然、黒人と白人がお互いに激しく暴力をふるい憎しみ会う時機が到来した。 \N Suddenly, there was a period of terrible violence and hatred between blacks and whites. CK 0 516340 0 0 Cesar Chavez asked that strikers remain non-violent even though farm owners and their supporters sometimes used violence. CM 0 1141314 0 0 There are four main causes of alcohol-related death. Injury from car accidents or violence is one. Diseases like cirrhosis of the liver, cancer, heart and blood system diseases are the others. Source_VOA