Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Visible"
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347545	425843	モロに見える。	zhouj1955	It's completely visible.	blay_paul	1
347544	425843	モロ見えです。	zhouj1955	It's completely visible.	blay_paul	1
0	495467	0	0	There was no visible danger.	adjusting
197987	35176	はっきりわかる危険はなかった。	\N	There were no visible dangers.	CM
0	1541485	0	0	Mary's bruises are barely visible.	Spamster
179456	18314	空には多数の星が見えた。	mookeee	Numerous stars were visible in the sky.	CM
0	1020595	0	0	It is not really visible to the naked eye.	Guybrush88
122978	281024	肉眼ではほとんど見えない星もある。	\N	Some stars are hardly visible to the naked eye.	CM
0	707000	0	0	There still weren't any visible signs of spring.	papabear
0	1521841	0	0	When I got up to go to school, the moon was still visible in the sky.	erikspen
0	3020390	0	0	Using high heat settings while ironing synthetic fabrics will melt the synthetic fibers and cause visible permanent damage, which often looks like a shiny area where the too-hot iron had the longest contact with the fabric.	Delian