Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Vision"
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0	1887332	0	0	I had a vision.	CK	1
0	1109322	0	0	Tom has 20/20 vision.	CK	1
0	2891723	0	0	My vision's getting worse.	CK	1
101636	300629	彼は洞察力のある人だ。	\N	He is a man of vision.	CM
103064	300629	彼は先見の明るい人だ。	\N	He is a man of vision.	CM
151172	263384	視力検査をします。	marcelostockle	I'll check your vision.	CM
151173	263383	視力を測ってください。	marcelostockle	Please check my vision.	CM
81405	322310	妹の視力は申し分ない。	\N	My sister has perfect vision.	CK
0	1841765	0	0	He claims to have visions from God.	Spamster
231896	69262	あなたは自分の将来のビジョンを持っていますか。	\N	Do you have a vision of your future?	CM
82486	261734	望遠鏡のピントをあわせた。	bunbuku	I adjusted the telescope to my vision.	CK
152814	261734	私は望遠鏡のピントを合わせた。	bunbuku	I adjusted the telescope to my vision.	CK
170626	243855	最近視力が落ちてきた。	\N	My vision is getting worse these days.	CK
183670	20793	眼鏡をかければ君の視力は矯正されるだろう。	\N	Wearing glasses should correct your vision.	CK
151181	1226147	視野が狭くなったようです。	marcelostockle	It seems my field of vision is not as wide as it used to be.	CK
0	590463	0	0	Possible side effects include blurred vision and shortness of breath.	darinmex
0	1559769	0	0	From a very young age, Jorge Luis Borges had serious problems with his vision.	sam_m