Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Wage"
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106075	297611	彼は私たちに高い賃金を支払うことを約束した。	bunbuku	He promised to pay us high wages.	CK	1
0	2943037	0	0	It's hard to get by on minimum wage.	CK	1
0	1040499	0	0	Tom's been working for minimum wage.	CK	1
2944667	2944666	オーストラリアの最低賃金はいくらですか?	tommy_san	What's the minimum wage in Australia?	CK	1
77374	326345	労働者たちは賃金アップを要求して団結した。	mookeee	The workers united to demand higher wages.	CM	1
1144651	1144626	従業員を満足させたいのであれば、彼らに適正賃金を支払わなければならない。	bunbuku	If you want your workers to be happy, you need to pay them a decent wage.	CK	1
0	1877126	0	0	What's the minimum wage?	Spamster
117000	286667	彼の週給は20ドルです。	\N	His weekly wages are $20.	CM
0	2087369	0	0	The wages of sin are death.	AlanF_US
0	1789109	0	0	Germany has no minimum wage.	Spamster
177298	16147	君は今の給料でやって行けるか。	\N	Can you get by on your wages?	eastasiastudent
0	1542369	0	0	There's no minimum wage here.	Spamster
106226	297460	彼は私に1週間分の賃金を前払いしてくれた。	bunbuku	He advanced me a week's wages.	CM
163754	250653	私の月給は30万円だ。	\N	My monthly wage is 300,000 yen.	CK
0	2943008	0	0	Would you work for minimum wage?	CK
140614	273959	組合は5%の賃上げを獲得した。	\N	The union won a 5% wage increase.	CM
0	1336113	0	0	They're barely paid minimum wage.	Scott
157665	256866	私は給与の5分の1を税金で取られてしまう。	\N	One-fifth of my wages go to taxes.	CK
0	807273	0	0	The policemen demanded higher wages.	Source_VOA
147824	266736	熟練した機械工はかなりの賃金を稼ぐ。	\N	A skilled mechanic earns decent wages.	CM
125719	241842	賃金よりも職の安定の方が重要である。	\N	Job security is a priority over wages.	CM
172633	241842	今は賃金よりも職の安定の方が重要である。	\N	Job security is a priority over wages.	CM
0	2958760	0	0	Tom's boss advanced him a week's wages.	CK
2312151	1534782	あなたの国の最低賃金はいくらですか?	\N	What's the minimum wage in your country?	CK
208384	45642	その組合の賃上げ要求は穏当だった。	\N	The union was modest in its wage demands.	CM
0	682351	0	0	I try to save 10% of my wages each month.	Source_VOA
168208	246285	支配人は2週間分の給料を彼に前渡しした。	\N	The manager advanced him two weeks' wages.	CK
168209	246285	支配人は2週間分の給料を彼にわたした。	\N	The manager advanced him two weeks' wages.	CK
77356	326363	労働者達は声高に賃上げを要求した。	mookeee	Workers made loud demands for higher wages.	Zifre
0	2958898	0	0	We protested against the reduction in wages.	sharptoothed
0	2959463	0	0	Do you think their wages ought to be raised?	sharptoothed
0	682350	0	0	The workers receive their wages every Friday.	Source_VOA
173281	241190	鉱山労働者が賃上げを要求してストに突入した。	\N	The miners went on strike for a wage increase.	CM
0	2942996	0	0	It's hard to support a family on minimum wage.	CK
0	2942989	0	0	I wonder what the minimum wage is in Australia.	CK
828803	828804	沖縄の最低賃金は642円です。	Scott	The minimum wage in Okinawa is 642 yen per hour.	Scott
0	2943006	0	0	Do you think that the minimum wage should be raised?	CK
0	682352	0	0	In most countries, teachers do not receive high wages.	Source_VOA
77352	326367	労働組合の幹部は賃上げの凍結に反対して、闘っています。	\N	The union bosses are fighting the freeze on wage hikes.	CM
0	802746	0	0	They agreed to raise wages and to stop hiring children.	Source_VOA
0	2943023	0	0	Tom thinks raising the minimum wage would be a bad idea.	CK
0	2943029	0	0	Everyone working for us earns more than the minimum wage.	CK
0	2942992	0	0	Do you have any idea what the minimum wage in Australia is?	CK
0	809057	0	0	We're on strike because the company hasn't improved our wages.	eastasiastudent
176496	237968	経営者側は賃金を増やすことは不可能だと言った。	\N	The management said that a wage increase was out of the question.	CK
182343	19519	給料を使い果たしてしまったが、私にはいざというときに頼る銀行預金がある。	\N	I've used up my wages, but I have my bank account to fall back on.	CK
185290	22422	会社が昇給を拒否したとき、彼等はストライキをした。	\N	When the company refused to increase their wages, they walked out.	CK
0	2943032	0	0	Tom and Mary were discussing the pros and cons of raising the minimum wage.	CK
0	2943016	0	0	I heard that even a lot of college graduates have to work for minimum wage.	CK