0 2203579 0 0 I'm wealthy. CK 1 0 2203576 0 0 We're wealthy. CK 1 0 2203578 0 0 Tom is wealthy. CK 1 0 2203577 0 0 You're wealthy. CK 1 0 3172319 0 0 Are you wealthy? CK 1 0 3329938 0 0 I'm not wealthy. CK 1 105394 2764273 彼は資産家だ。 bunbuku He's a wealthy man. CK 1 0 1025123 0 0 Tom is a wealthy man. CK 1 0 3183938 0 0 I think Tom is wealthy. CK 1 90398 313315 彼女は金持ちです。 bunbuku She is a wealthy woman. CK 1 0 2944154 0 0 Tom is a very wealthy man. Hybrid 1 0 680675 0 0 Tom has a desire to be wealthy. Source_VOA 1 0 1028903 0 0 Tom found out that Mary was wealthy. CK 1 0 953680 0 0 I used to dream about becoming very wealthy. CK 1 0 898564 0 0 She wasn't wealthy enough to feed her dog meat every day. CK 1 1265372 274070 早起きは三文の徳。 bunbuku Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. CK 1 140503 274070 早寝、早起きは人を健康に、富裕に、賢明にする。 \N Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. CK 1 140496 274070 早寝早起きは健康と富と賢さのもと。 bunbuku Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. CK 1 140493 274070 早寝早起きは人を健康で裕福で賢明にする。 \N Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. CK 1 140492 274070 早寝早起きは人を健康に、金持ちに、そして賢くする。 \N Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. CK 1 140491 274070 早寝早起きは人を健康に裕福にそして賢明にする。 \N Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. CK 1 126220 274070 朝起きは三文の徳。 bunbuku Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. CK 1 0 3172210 0 0 Do you think Tom is wealthy? CK 0 3023638 0 0 Tom is independently wealthy. CK 102712 300982 彼は息子を金持ちにした。 \N He made his son a wealthy man. CK 0 3329937 0 0 I'm pretty sure Tom's wealthy. CK 0 3330103 0 0 I wasn't wealthy at that time. CK 228344 1611166 ヴァンホーン家は裕福だった。 \N The Van Horn family was wealthy. human600 99236 304463 彼は裕福な家庭の1人息子だ。 \N He is the son of a wealthy family. CM 225352 1350187 ケイトは金持ちであることがわかった。 \N I found out that Kate was wealthy. CK 116363 287306 彼の背後には資産家が控えている。 \N He has a wealthy supporter behind him. CK 0 1779808 0 0 He comes from a small but wealthy town. Spamster 117879 285785 彼の外見は幸福そうだが実際はそうではない。 \N He looks wealthy, but actually he's not. CK 99238 603455 彼は裕福なので、何でもできる。 \N Since he is wealthy, he can do anything. CK 206820 44069 その弁護士には金持ちの顧客が多い。 \N The lawyer has a lot of wealthy clients. CM 108171 1466747 彼は金持ちなのに、幸福ではない。 \N Even though he's wealthy, he isn't happy. CK 114188 1466747 彼はお金持ちであるにもかかわらず、彼は幸せではない。 \N Even though he's wealthy, he isn't happy. CK 108171 1466748 彼は金持ちなのに、幸福ではない。 \N Even though he's wealthy, he's not happy. CK 114188 1466748 彼はお金持ちであるにもかかわらず、彼は幸せではない。 \N Even though he's wealthy, he's not happy. CK 114210 1466748 彼はお金をもっているが幸せではない。 \N Even though he's wealthy, he's not happy. CK 108963 294727 彼は外見は裕福そうだが実際はそうでない。 \N He is wealthy in appearance but not in reality. CM 114190 289482 彼はお金持ちだったので、そこへ行くことができた。 \N Because he was wealthy, he was able to go there. CK 0 2957187 0 0 Tom is one of the wealthiest men in the country. CK 0 1412075 0 0 Wealthy older men often marry younger trophy wives. darinmex 123224 280775 内戦がなかったら、彼らは今ごろ裕福なことだろう。 \N If it had not been for civil war, they would be wealthy now. CM 86405 317304 彼女は裕福な家に生まれ、よい教育を受けた。 \N She came from a wealthy family and received a good education. CK 0 804275 0 0 Roosevelt was born to a wealthy family in New York City in 1858. Source_VOA 138433 274802 多くの会社が市場の金持ち層を獲得しようと競争している。 \N Many firms are competing for the wealthier segment of the market. CM 140497 274076 早寝早起きは健康で裕福で賢くする。 \N Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. CM 138352 1212340 多くの人が一攫千金を夢見て宝くじを買う。 bunbuku Many people buy lottery tickets with the dream of immediately becoming wealthy. CK