Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Wednesday"
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0	2187246	0	0	It's Wednesday.	CK	1
1458037	1458036	今日は水曜日です。	marcelostockle	Today is Wednesday.	CK	1
1600587	1600588	水曜日は仕事があります。	jathonjet	I have work on Wednesday.	jathonjet	1
1600532	1600538	水曜日は空いていますか。	jathonjet	Are you free on Wednesday?	jathonjet	1
172151	242323	今度の水曜日ならいいですよ。	mookeee	Next Wednesday will be fine.	CK	1
1089547	953809	来週の水曜日に会いしましょう。	bunbuku	I'll see you next Wednesday.	CK	1
1089545	953809	今度の水曜日に会いましょう。	bunbuku	I'll see you next Wednesday.	CK	1
0	2046856	0	0	Will you be busy Wednesday night?	CK	1
92866	310843	彼女はこの前の水曜日からずっと休んでいる。	bunbuku	She has been absent since last Wednesday.	CK	1
152410	262140	私は来週の水曜日までにレポートを提出しなければならない。	\N	I have to hand in my report by next Wednesday.	CK	1
0	1030197	0	0	Tom has arranged for Mary to meet John on Wednesday.	CK	1
0	1303987	0	0	Easter begins next Wednesday.	Shishir
172152	242324	今度の水曜日何か予定がありますか。	\N	Do you have anything next Wednesday?	CK
0	1490720	0	0	She's been ill since last Wednesday.	niceguydave
0	1490721	0	0	She's been sick since last Wednesday.	niceguydave
88253	315454	彼女は先週の水曜日から病気です。	\N	She has been sick since last Wednesday.	CK
143619	270948	水曜日までに小論文を提出しなくてはなりません。	\N	We have to submit an essay by Wednesday.	CK
143621	270946	水曜の午後は授業はありません。	\N	We have no classes on Wednesday afternoons.	CK
0	575346	0	0	We don't have class on Wednesday afternoons.	FeuDRenais
143620	270947	水曜日は、車で事務所まで私を送っていただけますか。	\N	Can you give me a ride to the office on Wednesday?	CK
167119	247383	私たちのクラブは次の水曜日に月例会を開きます。	bunbuku	Our club will hold its monthly meeting next Wednesday.	CM
196033	33208	ボブはパーティーを水曜日に延期したらどうかと言った。	\N	Bob suggested that the party be put off till Wednesday.	CK
143622	270945	水曜と土曜のほか、授業は8時半に始まります。	\N	School begins at half past eight except on Wednesdays and Saturdays.	CK
97252	306450	彼らは月曜日か火曜日に来てもよいが、水曜日と木曜日はだめだ。	Scrtbook	They can come on Monday or Tuesday, but not on Wednesday or Thursday.	CK
234149	71522	あなたからご都合が悪いというお知らせがなければ水曜の夕方に参ります。	\N	I will come on Wednesday evening unless I hear from you to the contrary.	CK
0	1701518	0	0	Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week.	charlotte13
0	1140203	0	0	A typhoon hit Tokyo on Wednesday with strong winds and heavy rains stopping public transportation.	CK