196995 34175 フランスは西ヨーロッパにある。 \N France is in western Europe. CK 102089 301605 彼は町の西部に住んでいる。 \N He lives in the western part of town. CK 0 805387 0 0 Western leaders condemned the action. Source_VOA 2322657 2265987 ギリシャは西洋文明の揺籃の地であった。 tommy_san Greece was the cradle of western civilization. _undertoad 142616 271954 西洋の世界では個性が強調される。 \N Individuality is stressed in the Western world. CM 83873 319843 福沢諭吉は日本に西洋思想を広めた。 mookeee Yukichi Fukuzawa introduced Western ideas into Japan. CK 78873 324843 洋服は和服より働きやすい。 \N Western clothes are easier to work in than Japanese clothes. CM 0 804163 0 0 A terrible battle took place at Kasserine in western Tunisia. Source_VOA 142617 271953 西洋のほとんどの国では若者は18歳か21歳で成人になる。 \N In most Western countries, young people come of age at 18 or 21. CM 142620 271950 西欧諸国はこの問題に対する日本の姿勢を激しく非難しています。 \N Western countries are jumping on Japan for its stance on the issue. CK 142613 271957 西洋社会にはもうヒーローはいないと主張するものもいる。 \N Some people claim that there are no more heroes in the Western world. CM 0 804123 0 0 Relations between the Soviet Union and the western Allies were mixed. Source_VOA 226062 63402 ギターでカントリー・ウエスタンを弾くのは本職のミュージシャンならごくたやすいことだ。 \N Playing country-western music on guitar is real kid stuff to a true professional. CM 0 552246 0 0 Roger Miller was born on January 2, 1936 in the western city of Fort Worth, Texas. American 124248 279746 東京に住んでいる外国のビジネスマンたちは、輸入欧米食料品の高価格にしばしば文句を言う。 \N Foreign businessmen living in Tokyo often complain of the high prices for imported western food. CK 0 552255 0 0 At night, Roger went to music clubs and drinking places where country and western bands played. These places provided him with a music education. American