Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Wheel"
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0	2548289	0	0	I'll take the wheel.	CK	1
0	1141220	0	0	Tom fell asleep at the wheel.	CK	1
0	1095559	0	0	Tom can't ride a bicycle very well yet, so his bicycle has training wheels.	CK	1
136943	276293	誰が運転しているのか。	\N	Who's at the wheel?	Zifre
117090	286576	彼の車にはホイールがありません。	\N	His car has no wheels.	CK
0	3045713	0	0	Spin the wheel around.	sharptoothed
0	1506796	0	0	He invented the wheel.	marco87
0	2645933	0	0	Tom clenched the wheel.	CK
0	2268652	0	0	The wheel doesn't turn.	_undertoad
148914	265644	車輪が回りだした。	mookeee	The wheel began to turn.	CM
148912	265646	車輪はぐるぐる回った。	\N	The wheels turned around.	CM
0	2268654	0	0	The wheels got all muddy.	_undertoad
0	682415	0	0	A unicycle has one wheel.	Source_VOA
148913	265645	車輪には油を注したばかりだ。	\N	I've just oiled the wheels.	CM
0	1486338	0	0	Mary uses a potter's wheel.	Spamster
0	2163198	0	0	Water power turns the wheel.	Source_VOA
149093	265465	車にはハンドルが一つある。	\N	A car has one steering wheel.	CM
0	1636019	0	0	Keep your hands on the wheel.	Spamster
150045	264512	自動車には車輪が4個ある。	mookeee	An automobile has four wheels.	CM
190027	27183	一輪車は車輪がひとつしかありません。	\N	A unicycle has only one wheel.	CK
75665	328053	裏には裏がある。	mookeee	There are wheels within wheels.	CM
183786	1276025	観覧車が一番好きです。	mookeee	The Ferris wheel is my favorite.	CK
80812	322903	名古屋で運転を代わってやった。	\N	I took over the wheel at Nagoya.	CM
0	1953269	0	0	You don't need to reinvent the wheel.	marafon
0	3155633	0	0	Put both hands on the steering wheel.	CK
148807	265752	若い女性が車のハンドルを握っていた。	\N	A young girl was at the steering wheel.	CM
156143	974238	私は車のハンドルを右に切った。	\N	I turned my steering wheel to the right.	Skaty
81995	321720	僕は運転していた方が気が楽なんだ。	\N	I feel more comfortable behind the wheel.	CK
189442	26593	運転手はハンドルを右にきった。	\N	The driver turned the wheel to the right.	NekoKanjya
0	3045723	0	0	Put some grease on the wheel. It squeaks.	sharptoothed
0	2897036	0	0	We don't have to try to reinvent the wheel.	megamanenm
0	682413	0	0	The accident damaged her car's front wheels.	Source_VOA
0	682414	0	0	It's not known who first invented the wheel.	Source_VOA
151218	263338	糸車の使い方は知りません。	\N	I don't know how to operate a spinning wheel.	CK
0	2780756	0	0	The car went around the corner on two wheels.	sharptoothed
108421	295265	彼は居眠り運転をしていて事故を起こした。	\N	He fell asleep at the wheel and had an accident.	CK
0	2610857	0	0	Tom fell asleep at the wheel and hit a street lamp.	Hybrid
0	2258868	0	0	I'm going to chock the wheels so the car won't move.	_undertoad
0	847440	0	0	He fell asleep behind the wheel and had an accident.	Vulgaris
196808	33987	ペダルを踏むたびごとに、車輪が一回転する。	\N	Each time you step on the pedal, the wheel turns once.	CK
215792	53093	ジャックは僕に、車のタイヤ交換の仕方を説明してくれた。	\N	Jack explained to me how to change the wheel of the car.	CK
83493	1353549	米国車のハンドルは左側にある。	\N	The steering wheels on American cars are on the left side.	CK
0	2890120	0	0	This is a fine car, but the steering wheel has too much play.	sharptoothed
100138	303559	彼は片手でハンドルを握り、もう一方の手を私のほうに振った。	\N	He held the wheel with one hand and waved to me with the other.	CK
197565	34751	ひでおは自転車をこいでいた人を避けるためにハンドルをきった。	\N	Hideo turned the steering wheel sharply to avoid the bicyclist.	CM
229251	66609	イギリスと日本の車はハンドルが右側にある。	\N	British and Japanese cars have steering wheels on the right side.	CK
230864	68231	あの奨学金がもらえなかったら、今でもあたふたしていたかもね。	\N	I'd still be spinning my wheels if I hadn't gotten that scholarship.	CM
0	1422539	0	0	The back wheels on that tractor have ball bearings the size of my fist.	darinmex
74409	329311	二輪車が倒れずに走行するのには前輪が大きな役割を演じています。	fcbond	The front wheel plays an important role in two-wheeled vehicles moving without falling over.	fcbond
141958	272612	雪道で急ハンドルを切っちゃだめだよ。スリップしちゃうから。	\N	If you whip the steering wheel around like that on a snowy road, the car is going to go into a slide.	CM