0 2549583 0 0 Wipe your feet. CK 1 0 1774522 0 0 Wipe your nose. CK 1 0 2647854 0 0 Tom wiped his face. CK 1 0 1140857 0 0 Tom wiped the table. CK 1 183634 20756 顔を奇麗にふきなさい。 \N Wipe your face clean. CK 1 2357393 1482662 トムは眼鏡を拭いた。 tommy_san Tom wiped his glasses. Spamster 1 0 1663798 0 0 Tom is wiping the table. Amastan 1 86236 317474 彼女は涙をぬぐった。 bunbuku She wiped away her tears. CK 1 0 1164442 0 0 Tom looks totally wiped out. CK 1 0 1027725 0 0 Tom wiped away Mary's tears. CK 1 0 3096758 0 0 Tom wiped Mary's tears away. CK 1 0 2889142 0 0 I wiped the dirt off my pants. wnieboer 1 108693 294996 彼は顔の汗をふいた。 bunbuku He wiped the sweat off his face. CK 1 111232 292452 彼はハンカチで手をふいた。 bunbuku He wiped his hands on a handkerchief. CK 1 0 1027724 0 0 Tom wiped the tears from Mary's eyes. CK 1 91710 312002 彼女はハンカチで顔をふいた。 bunbuku She wiped her face with a handkerchief. CK 1 2487804 2485163 トムは念入りにナイフから指紋を拭き取った。 tommy_san Tom carefully wiped his fingerprints off the knife. CK 1 0 1027526 0 0 I saw Tom wiping his fingerprints off the doorknob. CK 1 2230175 2229581 シャワーの後、トムは湯気で曇った鏡を拭いて、ひげを剃った。 tommy_san After getting out of the shower, Tom wiped the fog off the mirror and shaved. CK 1 183638 20761 顔の血を拭いて欲しい。 \N Wipe my bloody face. NekoKanjya 0 2738291 0 0 Tom wiped his forehead. CK 0 1661020 0 0 Tom is wiping his nose. Amastan 0 1728209 0 0 I am wiping the shelves. Amastan 0 2644753 0 0 Tom wiped his tears away. CK 0 2545107 0 0 Tom wiped away his tears. CK 0 2255701 0 0 They wiped out the enemy. _undertoad 0 2544517 0 0 Tom wiped the table clean. CK 195344 32518 マットで靴を拭きなさい。 \N Wipe your shoes on the mat. CK 204637 41878 それをふきとるのを手伝ってあげよう。 \N Let me help you wipe it off. CM 0 2643722 0 0 Mary wiped off her lipstick. CK 223577 60912 このタオルで手を拭きなさい。 \N Wipe your hands with this towel. CK 202378 39589 テーブルをふいてくれませんか。 \N Would you wipe the table for me? CK 0 1169966 0 0 He wiped his nose on his sleeve. etoile 108810 294879 彼は額の汗を拭った。 bunbuku He wiped the sweat from his brow. CK 0 387581 0 0 He wiped the sweat from his face. Mouseneb 195215 32389 マユコはふきんでテーブルをふいた。 \N Mayuko wiped a table with a cloth. CK 0 2821227 0 0 Tom wiped the blood off his sword. CK 117870 285794 彼の額の汗をぬぐった。 marcelostockle He wiped the sweat from his forehead. CK 0 2641246 0 0 Tom wiped the glass with a dishcloth. CK 0 2640942 0 0 Tom wiped his hands on the dirty towel. CK 0 2738874 0 0 Tom wiped the bloody knife on his shirt. CK 91542 312171 彼女はほこりを拭うのに湿った布を使った。 \N She used a damp rag to wipe off the dust. CK 207810 45064 その町の住民は全滅した。 \N The population of the town was wiped out. CM 207811 45064 その町の住人は全滅した。 \N The population of the town was wiped out. CM 2980787 3054503 トムはハンカチで額を拭った。 tommy_san Tom wiped his forehead with a handkerchief. WestofEden 143071 271497 政府は貧困を一掃することを約束した。 \N The government promised to wipe out poverty. CM 202419 39630 テーブルのほこりをふいておいてくれませんか。 \N Will you please wipe the dust off the table? CK 0 2640418 0 0 Tom took off his glasses and wiped his eyes. CK 0 2640344 0 0 Tom picked up a napkin and wiped Mary's chin. CK 0 2958740 0 0 Tom wiped the blade of his knife on his jeans. CK