Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Youth"
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0	735104	0	0	The youth was quiet.	Darkmaster
0	1767306	0	0	He was robbed of his youth.	Spamster
176966	15814	君は彼の若さを考慮に入れなければならない。	\N	You must allow for his youth.	CK
113522	290151	彼はジョギングをして若さを保っている。	\N	He keeps his youth by jogging.	CM
105717	297970	彼は私の年の若い事に付け込んだ。	\N	He took advantage of my youth.	CM
104563	299127	彼は若い頃は実に無軌道だった。	\N	He was very wild in his youth.	CK
0	1692742	0	0	We met them at the youth hostel.	Scott
0	1904194	0	0	Enjoy your youth while it lasts.	Scott
5065	1662	この辺りにユースホステルはありますか?	Scott	Is there a youth hostel near here?	confusion
5065	568302	この辺りにユースホステルはありますか?	Scott	Is there a youth hostel around here?	CK
0	1537929	0	0	Youth goes away and never comes back.	Scott
156099	258436	私は若い頃怠惰であったことを後悔している。	\N	I regret having been idle in my youth.	CK
117057	286609	彼の若さを考慮に入れるべきだ。	\N	We should take his youth into account.	CK
77286	326433	老人はしばしば若いころのことを回顧する。	\N	The old man often looks back on his youth.	CM
164281	486457	私のおいは若さに免じて許された。	\N	My nephew was excused because of his youth.	CK
1174280	486457	私の甥は、まだ若いということで勘弁してもらった。	bunbuku	My nephew was excused because of his youth.	CK
120178	283831	彼が若いのだと言う事をしんしゃくしてやる方がよい。	\N	You had better take his youth into account.	CM
0	715709	0	0	No one has yet found the fountain of youth.	darinmex
104546	299135	彼は若い時分に多くの苦難を味わった。	\N	He went through many hardships in his youth.	fcbond
104555	299135	彼は若い頃多くの困難を経験した。	\N	He went through many hardships in his youth.	fcbond
104583	299135	彼は若いころ多くの苦難を受けた。	\N	He went through many hardships in his youth.	fcbond
104587	299135	彼は若いころの苦難を経験した。	\N	He went through many hardships in his youth.	fcbond
104591	299135	彼は若いころ、多くの苦難を経験した。	\N	He went through many hardships in his youth.	fcbond
149815	264743	自分の失われた青春を考えても無駄である。	\N	It's no use thinking about one's lost youth.	CM
0	1565329	0	0	In her youth, Mary played the penny whistle.	CM
104567	299123	彼は若い頃にタバコを吸う習慣がついた。	\N	He got into the habit of smoking in his youth.	Dejo
211988	388360	その歌を聞くと、若い頃を思い出します。	bunbuku	Whenever I hear that song, I remember my youth.	CK
165807	248697	私たちは今でも若いときの夢に固執している。	\N	We are still clinging to the dreams of our youth.	CK
0	662660	0	0	She would love to go back to the days of her youth.	bluepie88
146518	268044	少年は暴動に関連したために逮捕された。	\N	The youth was arrested for being involved in a riot.	Shiawase
0	966108	0	0	Don't waste your youth, otherwise you'll regret it later.	LittleBoy
236737	30802	もし私が若い頃一生懸命に働いていたならば、今頃は成功しているだろうに。	\N	If I had worked hard in my youth, I would be successful now.	CK
151989	262564	私達の会議中に彼は自分の青春について言及した。	\N	In the course of our conversation, he referred to his youth.	CM
206145	43392	その老人はほとんどの時間を青春時代を回顧して過ごした。	\N	The old man spent most of his time looking back on his youth.	CK
97743	305961	彼らはどんな困難をトムが若いころに経験してきたかを知らない。	\N	They don't know what difficulties Tom went through in his youth.	CK
0	635202	0	0	The youth in Malaysia really like Korean and Japanese celebrities.	sestersparrow
142548	272022	青年時代の忍耐と努力によって、彼は現在の身分になれたのである。	\N	His perseverance and diligence in his youth have made him what he is today.	CK
0	667966	0	0	Youth is such a priceless commodity that it is a shame to waste it on children.	CK